Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Making Shift Happen, Two Links

A cool Campus for Communities -  www.campusforcommunities.com  whose mission is to help grow strong, vibrant, and innovative communities by harnessing the power of collective impact through collaborative online training, resources, and shared experiences for leaders at all levels.

A quick post about Making Shift Happen - Connecting 4excellence - "We grow up being curious then get cautious."

Monday, January 20, 2014

CIA CollaboraSTORY

Click here to see the story of our December 4, 5, 2013 Collaboratory.

We're building a culture of wellness, making shift happen!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dr. Vicki Harber's Keynote Powerpoint

Access Vicki's powerpoint and just imagine what and how she presented at our collaboratory!

Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation Organization Structure

The ASRPWF and Tourism Parks and Recreation have made some changes. This organizational chart was shared at our collaboratory. Alberta Sport Connection is now the sport funding connector.